Welcome to the team barb edwards

Freeride mountain biker Barb Edwards of In the Hills Gang is joining Nukeproof. She's an absolute sender and we're stoked to have her on the team.

23-year-old Barb currently lives in near the base of Mt. Hood, Oregan, USA. Her roots are in the midwest racing BMX bikes and she found freeride while enrolled Fort Lewis College in Durango, at one of the few schools in the nation with a cycling team on par with most university's American football programs. She raced downhill with the Fort Lewis gravity squad but was gradually drawn to the desert, where she found rhythm in the big hits and steep lines of the nearby North American freeride meccas.

Barb's a member of the In the Hills Gang, an underground freeride collective known for rowdy videos and rowdier dig trips in the desert. Alongside Jonathan "Gibby" Gibbons she's the second member of In the Hills to join Nukeproof this year.

"We're a group of homies hailing from different areas of the United States looking to spread a new age of freeride," Barb said of In the Hills Gang. "We love to dig, we love to ride and we love to find new places to do that."

Most comfortable on jumps and in the air, Barb's looking at 2023 as an opportunity to test herself in steeper and more technical terrain. She takes inspiration from snowboarding, as many freeriders do, and loves "the flow state" of slashing steep open faces and jumping off things into soft dirt. Keep an eye out for her in some upcoming In the Hills videos and on social.

Barb's rad, she's motivated and we're super stoked to see what she gets up to in 2023.